9:00 - 10:15 a.m
Session 5: Offenders
Privacy breach in the form of unauthorised access to e-banking (not only)
Katerina Kudrlova, Insitute of Criminology and Social Prevention
Digital Piracy, Gender, and Informal Sanctions
Adam Bossler, Georgia Southern University
George Burruss, University of South Florida
Who searches for DDoS attacks and what exactly do they search for?
Asier Moneva, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR)/ Center of Expertise Cyber Security of The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS)
Rutger Leukfeldt, Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement (NSCR)/ Center of Expertise Cyber Security of The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS)
Wouter Klijnsoon, Cyber Offender Prevention Squad, Netherlands Police
Understanding the human drivers of cybercriminality, and new methods to prevent, investigate and mitigate cybercriminal behaviour: CC-DRIVER and RAYUELA projects
Rubén Fernandez, Valencia Local Police
José Diego, Valencia Local Police
10:15 - 11:00 a.m
Ph.D. Session III
On sexual offences in the Metaverse
Bianca Steffes, Saarland University
Anna Zichler, Saarbrücker Zentrum für Recht und Digitalisierung
Simone Salemi, Saarbrücker Zentrum für Recht und Digitalisierung
Sex Trafficking Under the Guise of Sex Work: An Investigation of Online Classifieds Ads
Yuxuan (Cicilia) Zhang, Simon Fraser University
Noelle Warkentin, Simon Fraser University
Online Drug Trafficking: Disruptions, novelties or socio-technic (recon)figurations? Methodological considerations & empirical illustration
Julia Katherina Mahnken, University of Hamburg
Break (coffee & tea)
11:00 - 11:30 a.m
11:30 a.m - 12:45 p.m
Session 6: Threat Assessment & Cybersecurity
Darknet Enabled Hacking: A Comprehensive Threat Assessment
C. Jordan Howell, University of South Florida
Lauren Tremblay, University of South Florida
Roan Ali, University of South Florida
What Matters? Cybersecurity Expert Knowledge Sharing for Threats and Risk Assessment
Isabelle Rochette, University of Montreal
Fyscillia Ream, University of Montreal
Marie-Pier Villeneuve-Dubuc, University of Montreal
Benoît Dupont, University of Montreal
The role of metacognition in IT-security: Lessons learned and implications for educational practice
Stefan Sütterlin, Albstadt-Sigmaringen University
Exploring the Relationship among Individual Traits, Cybersecurity Attitudes, and Threat Appraisals: Implications for Improving Cybersecurity Hygiene
George Burruss, University of South Florida
Taylor Fisher, University of South Florida
Fawn Ngo, University of South Florida
Richard Moule, University of South Florida